Hip clothes, funny clothes, weird clothes.

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Available in men's and women's sizes, and as a hoodie: sharks with frikkin' laser beams attached to their heads. details

Forget Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, and Heath Ledger. Droopy Dog is the creepiest Joker yet. details

Creepy masks are usually more of a Halloween thing, but this is ideal for Thanksgiving, or even Christmas. Vendor says "Realistic coloring and detail," so you know it's great! details

Or.... is it? Available in men's and women's sizes. details

Arthur, Jerry, David Jo, Syl, and of course, Johnny. details

Fake fur, but still, the most luxurious apron you've ever seen. details

We think this shirt is just bully. And it's available in men's and women's sizes! details

Available in men's, women's, and kid's sizes. And hoodies! details

See, and it doesn't actually say "Anonymous" on it, but the right people will figure it out. details

These amazing slippers have built-in weight and light sensors that turn on lights as you walk around in the dark. No more bumping into stuff in the middle of the night. Get them for the whole family, then pose for group shots with them. details

It's like we always say, "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare." OK, we never say that. Did you know that this cult was only founded in 1966? Not so old after all. Includes latex headpiece with pony tail attached. One more thing: be real careful if you wear this to the airport. details

An excellent pun on the old Tom Selleck show with its rocking yet danceable theme song and the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Available in men's and women's sizes. details

Makes it clear that you've been busy. Bloody busy. details

Hendrix's middle name. details

Baby Marcel crawls toward his Bicycle Wheel readymade with a manic smile. Probably just as well that the shirt designer didn't go with the R. Mutt "Fountain." details

The wisdom of the East, now available as an ironic T-shirt. Available in men's and women's sizes. details

Self-explanatory. details

Nice clean font, nice clean washing machine. details

Read the shirt out loud, and if you still don't get it, listen to the theme song from the 1960s Batman TV show, especially starting at about 0:37. details

Available in men's, women's, and kids' sizes—and as a hoodie! details

Other DJs have T-shirts with animated EQ, but you go one better: a T-shirt with a DJ with a T-shirt with animated EQ. The changing display actually does react to music around it. Requires 4 AAA batteries, as you might imagine. (Not included.) details

Oh, the irony. details

After exposure to an ultraviolet black light, these sneakers glow in the dark. Would look very cool with an all-black outfit. details

Basically, you'll look like some one from TRON, even to someone who isn't trippin' balls. details

Available in men's, women's, and kid's sizes. And hoodies! details

Look, the vendor gave it the name "Jesus/Pharoah" costume, not us, but this costume's ability to pull double duty really adds to its value. With beard: Jesus! Without: Pharoah! Great for one-man shows. details

Popular in Somalia. Available in men's and women's sizes. details

We have no idea what the Japanese writing above and below the Batman log says, but with the wise saying in red underneath, it makes a powerful combination. details

Vendor sez "protect your neck from the cold this season." Get it? This actually is pretty cool. details

About the scariest single Elvis item we've seen. The costume face actually goes over your chest, and your head goes in the giant hair thing, which we assume has eye holes. details

Classic amps, weird guitars (like that teardrop thing Brian Jones had) and now a T-shirt! details

What an athlete! Available in men's and women's sizes. details

And if you're not on a boat, it's ironic! Available in men's and women's sizes and as a hoodie. details

Tap the drums on the shirt's picture and hear them. Lay down a fat beat. Need proof? Watch the video. Also available in kid's sizes. details

The coolest bathrobe ever. 100% cotton and based on the late legend's trademark jumpsuit, this is what you wear in between daredevil leaps over long lines of cars and buses in your motorocycle. details

Glowing lines on the shirt change color to show how strong the local wi-fi signal is. details

Obviously it's Johnny Ramone, but the only writing is in Japanese. We're assuming that it's his name. details

The enternal struggle between rock, paper, and scissors comes to a stalemate. Available in men's, women's, and kid's sizes. And hoodies! details

Who played Gretsch drums? Elvin Jones, Philly Joe Jones, Art Blakey, Charlie Watts, Mikey Dolenz, the Linkin Park guy... details

Available in men's and women's sizes. details

You don't get to start work on pottery until you are a black belt. Available in men's, women's, and kid's sizes. And hoodies! details

Requires some high-school level math to get the joke. Available in men's and women's sizes. details

Good for Easter, or maybe not. Available in men's and women's sizes. details
