watches and clocks

Cool watches, strange watches, weird watches. And clocks. is no longer actively maintained. Many links still work, but over time, fewer and fewer will. If you're interested in buying the domain name and, optionally, the data and scripts used to generate the site, see the contact page.

"Will Return" clock

A six-inch high working clock. You could set it five minutes fast when you're away and really play with people's heads. Requires one AA battery. details

Melting clock

The best melting clock we've seen. This one looks very similar to the front-left clock on Dali's The Persistence of Memory, and it actually works. details

Tetris animated alarm clock

If you've ever played Tetris, then watching how the digits appear on the little animated picture here will tell you all you need to know about this excellent clock. Also see this video. Three AA batteries included. details