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Your Legos will snap right onto the holes all over this mug, giving you plenty to do during really boring meetings. details
Based on the 1965 VW Camper Van, and pretty close to life size. This YouTube video shows how to set it up and what it looks like on the inside, although the video's music is not as groovy as we would have expected. details
Apparently, this makes it possible to do that trick where you pull coins out of things. Don't settle for amateur coin pails! details
As it says on the box, "IT LOOKS LIKE A REGULAR BULB... BUT IT LIGHTS IN YOUR HAND." People of a certain generation still call them Uncle Fester light bulbs. details
If your Christmas tree looks too calm, these will help. Choice of astronaut, snowboarding, or bobsledding Domos. details
It's black and white, but his eyes are blue. And it's kind of creepy, which is why we like it. Approximately 50" x 60" and machine washable. details
Lights refresh 6,500 times per second, making it possible for colors to modulate into over 4,000 shades, making lots of trippy random pictures. details
If you or and your kids are familiar with the classic "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," and you're into zombies, well, then this is the book for you. "A blood-red moon shown down on a corpse that lay rotting beneath the ground..." details
A Smurf floats in space, staring at you while you read. A little creepy, but it would be a lot weirder if it was Sandra Bullock. Uses 3 AAA batteries. details
Read the shirt out loud, and if you still don't get it, listen to the theme song from the 1960s Batman TV show, especially starting at about 0:37. details
Remember Harry Anderson from the TV show Night Court? He was big into magic, and marketed this fine-looking stage blood. details
There are plenty of unicorn Christmas ornaments, but how many are wearing lederhosen, proudly standing 5.75" tall on their hind (human-like) legs? Only this one. details
For the unbeliever on your list. Or if you are not into any religion yourself, this sixteen-inch high stocking shows everyone that you too would like some presents as long as they're being doled out. details
Get it? "Gingerbread men"? "Gingerdead men"? This five-inch high cookie cutter has a stamp on the other side to make the outline of the bones. Adds a macabre touch to your Christmas cheer. details
Made of silicone and dishwasher safe, so better for eating off of than actual vinyl records, although you could probably use real CDs as accompanying coasters. details
According to the New Yorker, "Morbidly funny … this book has something for all ages. For the grandparent, a nostalgic game of find the Who reference; the parent, a sad reminder of how cool things used to be; and for the kid, tucked into bed listening to the the most inappropriate bed time story ever, a lesson: old people are weird [and] alcohol kills." details
Like paper dolls, but with magnets! You could make some strange combinations, like Kid Galahad boxing gloves with the '68 Comeback Special black outfit. details
Obviously it's Johnny Ramone, but the only writing is in Japanese. We're assuming that it's his name. details
Individually wrapped, so you can hang them on the tree and people can still eat them. Hot. Sweet. Sweet! details
This 4" finger puppet will stare at you disdainfully as it rejects the labels of post-structuralism and postmodernism. details
Your friend's new baby will get several "Baby's 1st Christmas ornament" gifts. Yours will be more accurate. details